Who am I?

Identity is important, regardless what ages. If your a frown man, you know realise what type of man you are. If you have children, you need to insure they know what type of man they want to be. Think about it this way, if you are developing a product. You need to know who your target market is. So you can build features around their needs. It sounds pretty deep, but the same applies to life. You need to know what type of person you want to me. So you can build yourself step by step and eventually reach your goal. As a result of not knowing who I am. Who I want to be, I went astray. 


That’s where group identity comes into play. The people you surround yourself with will have a great impact on your life. This is the most pominant phrase I remember my mother telling. Unfortunately I never listened. As you grow not only does your individual identity unfold, but so does your group identity. I have had big dreams from a young age. But because I haven’t had the right input, I haven’t had any output.  Am a 20 year old wondering how my life is going to be. I realise and have to remind myself, that only depends on me and the changes I choose to make in my life.

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